Hear the story of our youth in festival “Project Night 2022” in Latvia

Sham Alkhatib and Ayah Abu Hamda tell about their experience

We thank Mirsal and Finnish National Agency for Education (Opetushallitus) for this opportunity. The experience was eye-opening and I learnt a lot about different organizations and how they utilize EU programs and funding in their youth exchange and solidarity projects. I got to meet a lot of new people and exchange a lot of ideas and notes. I was amazed by the amount of participants that joined, which was nearly a hundred participants. The festival was amazing and it contained all the priorities of EU programme projects: inclusion and diversity, digital transformation, environment and climate change, participation in democratic life, common values and civic participation. All in all, this was a very successful experience. 

By attending Erasmus+ trips, we think youth feel empowered. The energy and happiness that we felt when we are relying on ourselves to travel on such a trip, is a great thing.

We encourage youth to go through such experiences and participate in such activities to discover new sides of their identity and get knowledge in general.


About the Festival: Project Night 2022

The festival was held in an event tent in Sigulda, Latvia. The aim of the festival was to share knowledge about Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps (ESC) project applications. During the project night youth gained a lot of knowledge and created and/or worked on their project ideas. 

The festival program included interactive workshops, educational games on Erasmus+ and ESC programs, non-formal learning, Youthpass, story exchange, thematic workshops and various creative and practical activities. Most of the workshops were held mostly in Latvian, but simultaneous interpretation to English was provided for participants from other countries during some sessions. The festival was held in the main tent where all participants would join for general information. In the smaller tents, different organizations and hosts would tell stories about their experiences with Erasmus+ trainings and ESC-projects.