We are Part of
European Migration Forum 2022
Mirsal ry has been invited to attend the 7th European Migration Forum taking place on the 20-21 October in Brussels, Belgium- the dialogue platform on migration, asylum and migrant integration. Our board member Sham Alkhateb went there to represent us. The Forum brings together a wide range of participants from civil society to relevant national authorities of EU countries, as well as EU institutions. In Sham’s point of view, those kinds of chances are valuable in case you really wish to highlight such controversial issues related to immigrants, in addition to raising awareness of some unseen problems related to youth immigrants for instance.
Mirsal ry also has been chosen to present its project(s) at this year’s EMF at the Networking village on Day 1. We are thankful for the really good opportunity to let others know about our work and influence among Arabic-speaking youth in Finland.