Declaration on Gender Equality


The Declaration came as a result of several intensive interactive sessions held by Mirsal ry, Moniheli ry, Nicehearts ry, Kamalat äidit®, Irakin naisten yhdistys ry, Familia ry, Africans and African Europeans Association ry, and HEED Association Finland ry.

Gender Equality is among our top priorities. We believe jointly that gender equality is a fundamental value of all our work. Our aim is to work effectively to ensure and mainstream gender equality in all areas of our work. The inclusion of all genders in all their diversity in the third sector has a strong, positive impact on the integration of migrant communities in Finland.

This declaration is to help the participating organizations and other organizations who work in the third sector and with multicultural communities to understand how gender equality is connected to their work and to ensure the integration of gender equality perspective into their organizational activities and structure.  

Gender equality is the state in which access to rights or opportunities is not affected by gender, in which people of all genders have equal rights, responsibilities, and opportunities.


Further contribution to addressing and discussing topics which are considered as cultural taboo topics related to gender and body in form of intercultural dialogue and collaborative efforts.

Develop a regular self-assessment to assess the staff, board and the volunteers on their values and beliefs regarding gender equality.

Develop gender equality strategy, which is proportionally matching with financial and human resources of the organization to ensure equal representation and power balance of all genders in the organizational work.

Attention to the inclusion of gender minorities through using gender-sensitive language in the recruitment applications and promotional materials for different activities.

Make mission and values visible to the public with clear statements of supporting gender equality.


Despite of that we are aware on the big differences in our target groups (women, parents, youth, local authorities, ….) from different nationalities, educational background, and culture, Despite of that we are aware on big differences in our addressed topics and needs of our target groups, We are close enough for mutual understanding on the importance of gender equality in the implementation of human rights in Finland.

Gender discrimination presents a challenge to the integration of migrant communities in Finland. We are aware that there is no optimal system, but our mission is to combat and reduce gender imbalances and inequalities. Our goal is to unite our efforts to promote the values of gender equality, noting that gender equality is a long-term goal with many challenges.


We declare our commitment to support the creation of an inclusive, aware, and competent society that promotes gender equality and fights all forms of discrimination based on gender. We foster our communication to strengthen the role of civil society organizations and their meaningful participation in bringing awareness on gender equality issues. We consider intersectional principle in empowering clients and serving them, considering the double burden of gender and racial discrimination. We are keen on our partnership and close cooperation to boost the individual and collective transformation towards gender equality through raising awareness, enabling learning, building knowledge, and developing skills.

We continue to empower and support each other and third sectors in addressing the discriminatory practices and inequalities of communities and individuals to ensure equal enjoyment of rights by all persons involved.