The successful Mirsal's project reaches
Nordic Thematic Seminar in Oslo

Samah Zahlaf, representing A better life for our youth (BLY)

Last month, one of the team members of Mirsal’s youth project 2022, Samah Zahlaf, was part of the Nordic Thematic Seminar in Oslo. The event gathered more than 160 experts in the field of youth work, serving as a platform  for sharing experiences, ideas and networking, with the chance of building future partnerships. The event consists of different opportunities to meet and listen to the national agencies from the Nordic countries including Paavo Pyykkönen from the Finnish national agency of the European youth programs. 

(BLY) as one of the inspirational solidarity project in 2022.

Besides, a great talk from the representative of the European Commission – Sigrid Smith Tonnessen, who gave insights on the different funding opportunities. Another important part of the event was the extensive talk on building strategies in times of crisis, and the strategic use of Erasmus+ funding, with the focus on the difference between good strategy and great strategy and underlining the importance of using imagination and thinking outside the box.
The second day gave an overview of what youth participation means and how to promote participation in Erasmus+ and ESC projects with tips to improve participation in projects.
Moreover on what makes a good project and how to manage a project in an efficient way. And Finally, we presented Mirsal’s project (A better life for our youth) as one of the inspirational solidarity project in 2022. The project received a big applause and a positive feedback from the audience, and they embraced the idea and the implementation.