Executive Director of Mirsal
Attends Training in Germany

Training course of One 2 One - supporting learning face to face

The Executive Director of Mirsal, Ihab Alsouse, was representing Mirsal ry in a training held in Bonn, Germany by the SALTO Training & Cooperation Resource Centre and JUGEND für Europa (National Agency of Germany for Erasmus+ & European Solidarity Corps). The training focusing on the competences (of youth work practitioners) needed to work with young people individually to support their learning and development. In this regard, it is important to note that Mirsal is preparing to start Erasmus+ projects as a way to support the integration of Arabic young people through different and new means. 

Supporting Learning- FACE-TO-FACE.

The training was very useful for me, I learned a lot from the training. I gained new skills on how to be “one2one” as a method to be supportive of them, Ihab said. The idea is to learn to be empowered and equipped with the competencies needed to work individually with young people in order to support their own learning processes. Specific goals are to explore what “learning support” means in individual relationships, to experiment with different learning support methods and techniques.